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Product updates

Q1 2022

We have been hard at work during the winter months releasing some exciting new features as well as some great improvements on existing features in TS. We wanted to highlight a few of them to you.

We encourage you to sign up for the Product Release webinar where we will demonstrate these new features live.


IBOR transition

The dreaded IBOR transition is in full effect and we have been hard at work adapting TS to support the regulatory changes and new calculations. Treasury Systems has full support to calculate compounded interest amount for the new risk free interest rates e.g. SONIA, €STR, SOFR. It works for all floating rate instruments such as Loans, Bonds, Bank Account Interests, Interest Rate Swaps and Caps & Floors. This applies both when entering a new deal or amending a deal via the “Terms” button in the Deal View.
TS also supports market valuation of risk free O/N interest loans using OIS yield curves.
This change also brings a few new reporting columns such as:
  • Cumulative interest days
  • Cumulative observation days
  • Observation days
  • Observation shift
  • Observation start date
Naturally we support import of the new risk free rates SONIA, €STR and SOFR. These rates are also included in our Millistream package for all clients.
Please reach out to our customer success team if you need help adjusting to this change.

Expanding Roles & Permissions

We have increased the scope of Roles & Permissions to include more areas and functions where they apply. You can now for instance hide menu items for certain roles so they only see views they actually have access to. We also added permissions to Deal Templates.
We are happy to introduce Permissions on Legal Entity level which has been in high demand among our clients. This means that you can now limit what entities different users can run reports on or enter deals with. This is especially important when giving subsidiary users access to the system.
These added features also work with four-eye control (if implemented) so that you can approve any updates and changes in a secure way.
  • Control access to views
  • Control access to deal templates
  • Control access to specific legal entities
  • Prohibit confirming of own deals



We are making big improvements to our Autopilot which has up until now been working in the background and unfortunately relied on TS staff managing the setup and scheduling. With our latest release, Autopilot has a brand new view where you can easily schedule activities based on different time criteria. You also get a good overview of your scheduled activities.

In addition we have added a new activity that can schedule automatic daily updates of FX rates on transactions.

We are working on adding event and file triggers and expanding the capabilities of the Autopilot in future releases.


Time Buckets

Introducing Time Buckets which help you report on balances, cash flows, interest expenses and other metrics in weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly columns. You can also combine and mix different lengths of time buckets.

This helps you get better control over seasonal variations and supporting your budget processes.


Market valuation FX Options & Caps / Floors

You can now run market valuation reports on FX Options and Caps / Floors instruments. In reports you can now add columns for Market Value consisting of Time & Intrinsic Value as well as Volatility & the “Greeks” Delta, Theta and Vega.

We have also added support for importing volatility rates into Market Data.


Conditional formatting

We are very happy to introduce conditional formatting in reports. This feature allows you to change individual cells or rows’ appearance based on specific conditions. This feature helps to highlight critical information, identify trends and exceptions, and compare data.

Data Bars

The Data Bars submenu allows for visualising numeric values using a predefined sets of bars in different colors. Choose between gradient and solid fills.

Icon Sets

The Icon Sets submenu allows using predefined sets of icons to apply conditional formatting to different ranges of values. Easily identify and make certain values in reports stand out and give more context.

Top / Bottom Rules

Easily set a condition for the formatting, for example listing the Top 10 items, fill the cell with green and make the value or text dark green.


Updating deals

We have made significant improvements to the process of updating/unlocking deals and how it ties into all the associated items such as Payments, Accounting, Reconciliations and Deal Matchings. We have introduced two new buttons in the Deal View called “Unlock Deal Part” and “Cancel Deal Part“.
This will increase overall efficiency when editing transactions as the system will take care of reversing/unlocking all the associated items in one click rather than doing it manually per item.
Unlock / Reverse Accounting, Payments, Reconciliation & Deal Matching
Cancel Accounting, Payments, Reconciliation & Deal Matching

Net Accounting

We have changed the way TS creates accounting of cash flows with netting principle. This means that all transactions under the same Deal ID, Payment date, G/L account and Dimensions will now be netted together. This will dramatically lower the number of accounting transactions, increase overall performance and simplify the process of reconciling of bank accounts.

This is a result of not only the IBOR transition but also our desire to improve the overall accounting process. We hope you like it!


Encrypted payment files

Payment files sent from TS has always been sent in a secure way to the bank. We are now adding the possibility to encrypt the content of payment files that are created and exported from TS. This increases overall security both in terms of the content and transfer of the payment files.

Watch the webinar replay

Let us show you how you can spend less time managing more operations with the new features.


Want to know more?
Feel free to request a demo.

Or give us a call at +46 (8) 660 88 30

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Treasury since 1984

Treasury Systems was founded in 1984 under the name of Currency Risk Management. Our latest system has been innovated through experience and is the result of a close relationship with our partners.
Valhallavägen 117F, S-115 31 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 (8) 660 88 30